Building a portfolio for a range of outcomes with the Jupiter Merlin team

29 Oct, 2024 | Return|

Join Jock Glover, Strategic Relationships Director at Square Mile Investment Consulting and Research, as he talks with David Lewis, Lead Investment Manager, and George Fox, Investment Manager, from the Jupiter Merlin team. The Jupiter Merlin team runs just over £5 billion in their fund-of-funds strategies.

During their discussion, David and George discuss the current themes they're focusing on within the portfolios, the case for investing in gold and how they mitigate against big market dislocations. Also, don't miss the assets they wouldn't touch with a barge pole... 


Don't have time to listen to the full episode, jump to your favourite part:

  • 1:20: How do you work together as a team?
  • 3:40: When it comes to decision-making, how collaborative is the process?
  • 5:36: Where do your ideas come from?
  • 7:23: What themes currently run through your portfolios?
  • 10:39: How are Japanese companies using cash on their balance sheets to result in an uplift in value?
  • 11:58: Do you have any passive exposure in the portfolios, or is everything actively managed?
  • 12:45: What would you avoid right now? What keeps you up at night?
  • 15:49: Is the gold exposure a hedge against market drawdowns, or does it serve another purpose in the portfolio?
  • 17:30: Why don’t you hold more alternative assets like Bitcoin or infrastructure?
  • 18:49: Looking ahead, where do you think the best future opportunities might lie?
  • 22:08: Do you have an interesting statistic from the last couple of weeks?

This podcast was recorded in October 2024. This podcast is issued by Square Mile Investment Consulting and Research Limited which is registered in England and Wales (08791142) and is a wholly owned subsidiary of Titan Wealth Holdings Limited (Registered Address: 101 Wigmore Street, London, W1U 1QU).

This podcast is for the use of professional advisers and other regulated firms only and should not be relied upon by any other persons. It is published by, and remains the copyright of, Square Mile Investment Consulting and Research Ltd (“SM”). SM makes no warranties or representations regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein. This information represents the views and forecasts of SM at the date of issue but may be subject to change without reference or notification to you. SM does not offer investment advice or make recommendations regarding investments and nothing in this podcast shall be deemed to constitute financial or investment advice in any way and shall not constitute a regulated activity for the purposes of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. This podcast shall not constitute or be deemed to constitute an invitation or inducement to any person to engage in investment activity. Should you undertake any investment activity based on information contained herein, you do so entirely at your own risk and SM shall have no liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, costs or expenses incurred or suffered by you as a result. SM does not accept any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or any inconsistencies herein. Past performance is not a guide to future returns.

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