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Does economic security depend on nature?

06 Jul, 2022 | Return|

“When we talk about environmental challenges, we are talking about climate change risk and natural capital restoration and biodiversity. Biodiversity is incredibly important, you can’t solve for climate change without solving for natural capital restoration and biodiversity.“

50% of global GDP depends on biodiversity, however nature’s resources are continually used more quickly than can be replenished. While climate change has captured public attention and risen up the political and corporate agenda, biodiversity has lagged behind. Though the upcoming COP15 conference aims to elevate levels of protection for biodiversity, are we doing enough?

At Responsible Pathway Live, we explored society’s relationship with the environment and what this means from an investment perspective. Listen to the full panel moderated by Square Mile's Senior Investment Consultant, Jake Moeller and three industry experts:

  • Craig Cameron, Portfolio manager and research analyst at Franklin Templeton

  • Rhys Petheram, Head of environmental solutions at Jupiter Asset Management

  • Samuel Mary, Senior vice-president, PIMCO

You can listen to the panel discussion below, or through Spotify and Apple Music.


In summary: Craig, Rhys and Samuel shared their key take-away from the session, take a look below.


Craig Cameron, Franklin Templeton



Rhys Petheram, Jupiter Asset Management



Samuel Mary, PIMCO


For more insights from the Responsible Pathway Live event, take a look below, and if you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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