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Square Mile Responsible Investment Report

11 May, 2022 | Return|

The Responsible Pathway series, running from October 2021 to February 2022, was designed to bridge the gap between advisers, asset managers and industry experts on the ever-evolving landscape of Responsible Investment (RI).

As part of the series, delegates were encouraged to complete a short survey with the aim of determining the views of advisers and their clients on matters of RI. Across the event, 38 surveys were completed, each answering nineteen questions, providing data on:

  1. Client interest and understanding

  2. Integrating RI into advisers’ business models

  3. Industry support and development

Read some of our key findings below:

  • Although the majority of advisers believe that their clients understand that investing in a RI portfolio does not mean sacrificing returns, 61.3% claimed that their clients would be willing to sacrifice their returns in order to achieve their RI aims.
  • 54.4% of advisers stated their clients had expressed an interest in investing in a specific RI theme, with climate change being the most prevalent.
  • Corresponding to previous findings, advisers once again named Liontrust and Royal London as the leading fund groups in RI

To see the full Square Mile Responsible Investment Report, please get in touch.



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At Square Mile, we have an experienced team who can provide independent opinion and analysis on industry themes, such as ESG and Responsible investment, fund rating commentary and value assessments.

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